2 min read

Welcome to the Blog

Welcome! I’m Elena and I’m currently a PhD student in linguistics at the Australian National University.

I do not have a background in coding, programming or stats, so most of what I know I’ve learnt myself, or from other people’s code, with substantial help from my partner when I got stuck. My main motivation for starting this blog was that I will semi-regularly learn how to do something cool or useful in R, not have to use it for a while, and then have to trawl through scripts to find it again, or start from scratch in Google.

I’ve also learnt a lot from other people’s personal blogs in the past couple of years, particularly for linguistics stuff, and if my knowledge can be of use to other people I think that’s reason enough to make it public. R is the only thing that has actually reduced me to tears during my PhD, and maybe the lessons I’ve learnt will help you avoid some of the breakdowns I’ve had.

So aside from myself, the people I think will benefit most from most of the posts I plan to make are beginner to intermediate users of R for linguistics, particularly linguistics visualisations. If I’m honest, there’s already HEAPS of R resources out there, so a lot of my posts will be me sharing the resources that I found most helpful.