13 min read

Introduction to dplyr (Workshop)

This is an adaptation of a second workshop I ran in 2022 as part of the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language (ANU) Seminar Series - I’ve subbed out the data I used in the workshop with the iris data again to make this content more accessible. If you would like a recording of the workshop, which uses vowel data, you can email me at

#install tidyverse if you haven't already

#load the tidyverse

Workshop Structure

  • Introduction to dplyr
  • Getting familiar with your data
  • Cleaning your data
  • Subsetting your data
  • Transforming your data
  • Summarising your data
  • Integrating dplyr and ggplot

Introduction to dplyr

What is dplyr?

  • A grammar of data manipulation
    • provides a consistent set of verbs that help you solve the most common data manipulation challenges
  • Its functions expect tidy data
    • Each variable in its own column
    • Each observation in its own row

Why should I learn it?

  • Good for manipulating data
    • Easier than manual changes and in most instances easier than base R
    • Highly transferable skill (general data analysis)
  • Commonly used by R users = plenty of resources
  • Allows you to create a workflow (e.g., create new spreadsheets from old ones without changing the original)
  • Integrates with other tidyverse packages (like ggplot)

The %>% operator

  • Dplyr can do multiple things to data in a single piece of code
  • To do this, we use the %>% operator
    • aka the ‘pipe’ operator
    • Shortcut is Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + M
  • The pipe allows you to do multiple manipulations to the same data (like the + in ggplot2)
    • Do this, and then do this - order matters!

Getting to know your data

loading the data

  • Run df <- read_csv("my_dataframe_name.csv") to read in your data files (although I will be using the Iris dataset here)
  • read_csv() is similar to read.csv()
    • Faster for large .csv files
    • Loads data as a Tibble (data format used by dplyr), read.csv() loads data as a regular data frame
    • If you ever need to convert a Tibble back to a conventional dataframe you can use as.data.frame()


  • glimpse() shows you every column in a data frame, the type of column it is in <>, and the values in of the first few rows of each column
    • <dbl> stands for ‘double’, which is term sometimes used in programming languages for non-integer numbers (when manually changing factors in R you are likely using ‘numeric’ instead e.g., as.numeric(dataframe$column))
  • spec() also does the same thing, but doesn’t include the values of the first few rows
  • You can use this to find column names in the activites throughout the workshop
iris %>% 
## Rows: 150
## Columns: 5
## $ Sepal.Length <dbl> 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5.0, 5.4, 4.6, 5.0, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4, 4.…
## $ Sepal.Width  <dbl> 3.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.4, 3.4, 2.9, 3.1, 3.7, 3.…
## $ Petal.Length <dbl> 1.4, 1.4, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.5, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.…
## $ Petal.Width  <dbl> 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.…
## $ Species      <fct> setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, s…


  • Used to find unique elements of a given attribute (i.e., the different levels of a factor or categorical variable)
  • data %>% distinct(column_a)
iris %>%
##      Species
## 1     setosa
## 2 versicolor
## 3  virginica

Cleaning your data


  • Used for renaming columns
  • You must specify the new name first
  • data %>% rename(new_col_name_1 = old_col_name_1)
  • A useful function if your column names have spaces
    • R does not like spaces, and will insert full stops when you load your data
iris %>%
  rename(sepal_length = Sepal.Length, 
         sepal_width = Sepal.Width,
         petal_length = Petal.Length,
         petal_width = Petal.Width)


  • Sorts your data by individual columns
  • data %>% arrange(column_a)
  • Default is in ascending/alphabetical order. To arrange in descending order you can:
  • data %>% arrange(desc(column_a))
#Sort rows by duration in ascending order
iris %>%

#Sort rows by duration in descending order
iris %>%

Subsetting your data


  • When you want to select specific columns from your data
  • There are two approaches:
    • Naming the columns you do want
    • Naming the columns you don’t want
  • To select the columns you do want:
    • data %>% select(column_a, column_b, column_c)
    • compared to data[,c("column_a", "column_b", "column_c")] in base R
  • To remove the columns you don’t want:
    • data %>% select(-column_d, -column_e, -column_f)
    • I do not know how to do this in base R and did not think figuring it out was worth my time
  • You do not need to have the column names in ” ”
  • You can also use : to tell R you want to select all the columns between column a and column x
    • data %>% select(column_a:column_z)
  • If you have a lot of columns with similar names, you can also select them using contains()
    • data %>% select(contains(match))
  • There are other ways to make selection more specific:
    • ends_with(match), starts_with(match), match(match), num_range()
#select  specific columns from 'iris'  
iris %>%
  select(petal_length, petal_width) 

#select all columns from speaker to vowelSpecificContext
iris %>%

#select all columns where the name contains 'F1'
iris %>%

#select all columns ending with "e"
iris %>%

#select all columns starting with "a"
iris %>%


  • When you want to select specific rows from your data
    • data %>% filter(column_a == "level_1")
    • Compared to data[data$column_a == "level_1",] in base R
  • Use the %in% operator when you want to specify multiple levels of the column
    • data %>% filter(column_a %in% c("level_1", "level_2", "level_3"))
    • Compared to data[data$column_a %in% c("level_1", "level_2", "level_3"),] in base R
  • You can also exlude columns using != (not equal to)
    • data %>% filter(column_a != "level_2")
    • data %>% filter(!column_a %in% c("level_2", "level_3"))
  • You can filter by multiple columns and levels!
    • data %>% filter(column_a == "level_1", column_b == "level_2)
  • If you want to create a separate tibble/dataframe to analyse, remember to assign to a new object
    • new_df <- data %>% filter(column_a == "level_1", column_b == "level_2")
#select the rows that have 'setosa' in the 'setosa' column
iris %>% filter(Species == "setosa") 

#select the rows that have a sepal length greater than '5' and have 'setosa' in the 'setosa' column
iris %>% filter(Species == "setosa" & sepal_length > 5)

#select the rows do not have 'setosa' in the 'Species' column
iris %>% filter(Species != "setosa")

#select the rows do not have 'setosa' or 'versicolor' in the 'Species' column
iris %>% filter(!Species %in% c("setosa", "versicolor"))

Activity 1

  • Rename three columns in the data frame (use glimpse() to choose)
    • iris %>% rename(=, =, =)
  • Select the first 3 columns of the data frame
    • iris_3 <- iris %>% select()
  • Select all columns containing the letter ‘a’
    • iris_a <- iris %>% select(contains())
  • Select all columns except the column ‘Species’
    • iris_noSp <- iris %>% select()

Transforming your data


  • This will combine two columns into a single column
  • Will unite based on the specified order, not their order in dataframe
#create new column and keep the originals 
iris %>%
  unite(species_petal_length, c("Species", "petal_length"), remove = FALSE) 

#create new column and remove the originals 
iris <- iris %>%
  unite(species_petal_length, c("Species", "petal_length")) 


  • Turns a single character column into multiple columns
  • Default is to split column in question based on any non-alphanumeric value (e.g., a space, hyphen, comma), but this can be specified with sep = ''
#create new column and remove the originals 
iris <- iris %>%
  separate(species_petal_length, c("Species", "petal_length"), 
           sep = "_") 

#create new column and keep the originals
iris %>%
  separate(species_petal_length, c("Species", "petal_length"), remove = FALSE)  


  • Used to create new columns, often based on other columns already in the data
    • data %>% mutate(new_column = condition/value/expression)
  • Can also be used to change existing columns without creating a new one
    • data %>% mutate(existing_column = condition/value/expression)
#create a new column that is the product of F2-F1
iris <- iris %>%
  mutate(length_minus_width = sepal_length - sepal_width)

#Modify an existing column that is the log of F1_lob
iris %>%
  mutate(petal_width = log10(petal_width))


  • Commonly used within the mutate() function
  • Lets you create an if-else statement without writing multiple lines of code
  • Useful if you only want to alter some levels of a factor, or the value in the column is conditional
  • mutate(new_column = ifelse(condition, "value_1","otherwise_value_2"))
# Create a new column called 'short_petal'
# If the value in the 'petal_length' column is greater than 3, put "long" 
# Otherwise put "short"

iris <- iris %>%
  mutate(short_petal = ifelse(petal_length > 3, "long", "short")) 

# create a new column called 'width'
# If the value in the 'petal_width' column is less than 0.5 then put "thin" 
# Otherwise put the same values as in the 'Species' column

iris %>%
  mutate(width = ifelse(petal_width < 0.5, "thin", Species)) 


  • An alternative to if_else if you want to change many or all levels of a factor that saves on multiple lines of code
#Create a column called "petals" that classifies rows with a petal length 
# greater than 3 as "long", between 3 and 1 as "medium" 
# and less than or equal to 1 as "short"

iris <- iris %>%
  mutate(petals = case_when(petal_length > 3 ~ "long", 
                            petal_length < 3 & petal_length > 1 ~ "medium",
                            petal_length <= 1 ~ "short")) 


  • Used to recode data types (good practice is to recode columns when loading data)
    • Main data types are integer, double (other numbers), character, factor
  • You may need to convert some columns to factors from characters, or vice versa
# Convert some columns to factors 
  # Across() instructs R to do the manipulation across multiple columns
# Recode species to be capitalised
iris %>%
  mutate(across(c(Species), factor)) %>% 
  mutate(Species_recode = fct_recode(Species, "Setosa" = "setosa",
                               "Versicolor" = "versicolor",
                               "Virginica" = "virginica")) %>% 

Activity 2

  • Create a new column that combines the species and sepal length columns, and keeps the original columns
    • iris <- iris %>% unite(new_column,c("column_a","column_b"),remove=)
  • Create a new column that contains the product of speal length multiplied by petal length (use * to indicate multiplication)
    • iris <- iris %>% mutate(new_column = expression)
  • Create a new column where, if the sepal length is above 2, it is ‘short’, and it is otherwise ‘long’
    • iris <- iris %>% mutate(new_column = ifelse(condition,"value_1","value_2"))
  • Create a new column where, if the species is seposa it is changed to ‘Seposa’, and it is otherwise ‘not seposa’
    • iris <- iris %>% mutate(new_column = ifelse(condition,"value_1","value_2"))
  • Create a new column where, if Species is seposa it is changed to ‘Seposa’, but otherwise is the same as the Species column
    • iris <- iris %>% mutate(new_column = ifelse(condition,"value_1",original_column))

Summary Statistics


  • summarize() or summarise() operators are useful for creating summary statistics on a dataset (e.g., frequency counts, average values)
  • Used in combination with other functions (e.g., functions that calculate averages)
  • If there is no grouping are performed, the result is a single value
  • data %>% summarize(column_a = mean(column_a)) will calculate the average value in column a for the whole dataframe
#calculates average sepal length for the whole dataframe
iris %>% 

#calculate average, median, maximum and minimum sepal length 
#for the whole dataframe again
iris %>% 

#You can also create new columns names 
iris %>% 
  summarise(Average = mean(sepal_length),
            Median = median(sepal_length),
            Maximum = max(sepal_length),
            Minimum = min(sepal_length))
  • If you want to calculate this value across different groups, you can combine summarise() with group_by()


  • Usually used in combination with other functions such as summarise()
  • Groups your data by the levels/categories in the columns you select
    • data %>% group_by(column_a, column_b) %>% summarize(column_y = mean(column_z))
# Groups the data by gender
# Calculates the mean and median F1 value for each group
iris %>% 
  summarise(Average_sepal_length = mean(sepal_length),
            Median_sepal_length = median(sepal_length))

Useful functions for summaries

  • These can all be used within summarise()
  • Center
    • mean(): calculate average
    • median(): calculate median
  • Count
    • n(): count number of rows
    • n_distinct(): count number of unique rows
  • Spread
    • sd(): calculate standard deviation
    • IQR(): calculate the interquartile range
    • mad(): calculate the median absolute deviation
  • Range
    • min(): minimum value
    • max(): maximum value
    • quantile(): quantile
  • Position
    • first(): Extract the first element of a vector
    • last(): Extract the last element of a vector
    • nth(): Extract the nth element of a vector (specify position with number)
  • Logical
    • any(): Report whether any elements are TRUE
    • all(): Report whether all elements are TRUE
  • n() will count the number of rows (i.e., token numbers)
# Count the number of rows per Species
# And count the number of unique petal lengths per speaker
iris %>% 
  mutate(across(c(Species, petals), factor)) %>% 
  summarise(Count = n(),
            Unique_petals = n_distinct(petals)) 

Activity 3: Summary statistics

  • Calculate the average petal length (summarise) for each speciies (group by) and sort in descending order. Which group has the longest petal
    • iris %>% group_by(,, ) %>% summarise( = mean()) %>% arrange(desc())
  • Calculate the standard deviation of petal length for each Species
    • iris %>% filter(age=="") %>% group_by(,) %>% summarise( = sd()) %>% arrange(desc())
  • If you have time, try and find your own summary statistics

Combinging multiple data sets: joining

  • The following joins add variables from one dataframe (x) to another dataframe (y) based on (specified) matching observations (values in columns) between the two dataframes
  • Common situation: joining metadata information to linguistic information from separate spreadsheets
    • Metadata has fewer rows (one per speaker) than linguistic data (multiple rows per speaker)
  • It is also fine to use merge() if you’re already comfortable with it
    • merge() is capable to doing all of these joins, depending on what you specify for the arguments
  • All join functions require you to specify the column(s) by which you want to join the two data frames
    • These columns must have the same name
    • The values in these columns must also match or the join will not work/be incomplete


  • Returns all rows in x and all columns from x and y
  • Rows in x with no match in y will have NA values in the new columns


  • Returns all rows in y and all columns from x and y
  • Rows in y with no match in x will have NA values in the new columns


  • Returns all rows from x only where there are matching values in y
  • Shared observations in both dataframes
  • I like to use this join because it is easier to spot where rows have gone missing (usually because the ID value does not match)
  • merge() function by default performs inner join: it returns only the rows in which the left table have matching keys in the right table


  • Returns all rows in x or y
  • All rows and columns from both x and y. NA where there are not matching values.


  • Return all rows from x where there are matching values in y, keeping just columns from x


  • Includes all observations in x that do not have a match in y
    • Keeps just columns from x
    • Can be helpful for identifying mismatched values (e.g., It will extract the filenames that are slightly different between dataframe x and dataframe y and therefore cannot be joined or merged)

Integrate with ggplot

  • One of my favourite aspects of dplyr is that you can subset data directly into ggplot visualisations
    • Meaning you don’t have to be constantly creating new subsetted dataframes

Average midpoint

  • Here I want to visualise the average petal length and sepal length for each Species
  • group_by(Species) to group by Species
  • summarise(petal_length = mean(petal_length)) to calculate the average petal length values for each group
  • Move into ggplot and switch to + instead of pipe
iris %>% 
  mutate(petal_length = as.numeric(petal_length)) %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  summarise(petal_length = mean(petal_length),
            sepal_length = mean(sepal_length)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = petal_length, y = sepal_length, color = Species)) +
  geom_point() +

Sepal length

  • Boxplot of sepal length for all species except setosa
  • Boxplots need all data points (not just averages), so summarise() is not necessary (but you could filter out a specific point of the vowel)
iris %>% 
  filter(Species != "setosa") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = Species, y = sepal_length)) +
  geom_boxplot() +

Activity 5

  • Try and make your own combination of dplyr functions and ggplot