
  • Sheard, Elena (2022). Longevity of an ethnolectal marker in Australian English: Word-final (er) and the Greek-Australian community. In Rosey Billington (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology (pp. 51-55). Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association. Download article here

  • Sheard, Elena. (2019). “Variation, Language Ideologies and Stereotypes: Orientations towards like and youse in Western and Northern Sydney. Australian Journal of Linguistics 39.4. 485-510

Received the Rodney Huddleston Award for the best journal article published in the Australian Journal of Linguistics in 2019.

Conference presentations

Winner of the Association for Laboratory Phonology Best Student Paper Award

  • 2021c “Examin(ing) social class in Australia” (w. Catherine Travis, Benjamin Purser and Gan Qiao) Forum on Englishes in Australia (August 27), online.

  • 2021d “Lifespan change and social mobility: Vowels in Australian English”. Sociolinguistics Symposium in Hong Kong 2021 (June 7-10), online.

  • 2020a “Measuring ethnic orientation across corpora and communities” (w. Catherine Travis). Australian Linguistics Society annual conference (December 14-15), online.

  • 2020b “Situating speakers within community change(s): Relative movement across vowels”. Australian Linguistics Society annual conference (December 14-15), online.

  • 2020c “Social Variation in the English of Chinese-Australians” (w. Catherine Travis, James Grama, Gan Qiao and Esther Lee). Forum on Englishes in Australia (December 9), online.

  • 2019a “Vowel change over the lifespan in Australian English: Sydney speaks forty years on” (w. Catherine Travis and James Grama). Language Variation and Change – Australia 4, Australian Linguistics Society pre-conference workshop (December 10), Macquarie University.

  • 2019b “Using ethnic orientation to circumscribe the Chinese-Australian speech community in Sydney” (w. Catherine Travis and James Grama). Forum on Englishes in Australia (July 26), La Trobe University.

  • 2018 “Who’s likin’ me: three variables in Sydney English” (w. Sarah Crafter) at the Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language at The Australian National University, as part of a Summer Research Scholarship with the Sydney Speaks project. (January 18)

  • 2017 “’You just think of annoying girls that don’t shut up’ Perceptions and ideologies of like and youse in Western and Northern Sydney”. Australian Linguistics Society annual conference (December 4-7), University of Sydney.


  • 2021 Language and Society, Tutor, The Australian National University

  • 2018 Language and Social Context, Tutor and guest lecturer, The University of Sydney

  • 2017 - 2018 Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS), Tutor, The University of Sydney


Online contributions

Silly Linguistics Magazine

  • Revitalization of Welsh – An Overview (Volume 16)
  • Mobilian Jargon: A North American Pidgin (Volume 14)
  • Standard Italian and Neapolitan (Volume 13)
  • Whistled Languages (Volume 12)
  • Anti-Languages (Volume 11)